Fast Food is an platform for experiments in Real-Time Media Performance. This has manifested in events, projects and community initiatives since 2012.  Our mission is to present multimedia performance in a serious context that lends itself to critical dialogue and contextualization within the broader field of media art history/theory and contemporary performance.

We deal with interactive technology as it relates to audiovisual interface, composition, performance, and score.    We curate a variety of events in NYC including the Improvised Electronics Round Robin,  Performing Systems, the Patching Circle at ITP, Single Channel Cheeseburgers, and Fast Food Music Video.

Programming Overview


  • Cat Lady: Eric Barry Drasin
  • Contributing Artists:
  • Sofy Yuditskaya
  • Reid Bingham
  • Brendan Byrne
  • Matt Romein
  • Gocha Tzinadse
  • Sam Baumel
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Matthew Caron
  • Alex Nathanson
  • Pete Shapiro
  • Phil Stearns
  • Jen Kutler
  • Jonas Bers
  • Benton-C Bainbridge
  • Nick Fox Geig
  • James Cao
  • Hans Tammen
  • Reid Bingham